Primary Coordinator Information 2025

Primary Information Evenings

These are for Year 4 to Year 6 coaches and managers, taking part in the Northcote and HBC competitions.  Not the Warkworth competition.  Both meetings start at 6.30 pm.  You only need to attend one of these.

Very important for Year 4 & 5 to attend as we go over the rotations.

Please register for one of the two nights:  

Monday, 7th April 2025

Meeting ID: 823 7535 6514

Passcode: 975797

Wednesday, 9th April 2025

Meeting ID: 885 8006 0461

Passcode: 442803

This page is designed for Primary School Coordinators to assist you with registration information for your school teams in 2025.

All School Coordinators should have a login.  If you do not have one you will need to get one by contacting Sporty  Please let them know if your old Coordinator has left to delete their email off the system.​​​​​​​

Player Registration

All players need to register to play at NNH.  Your 2025 forms are ready to go ... BEFORE SENDING YOUR FORM OUT TO PARENTS, make sure you are happy with it first.

  1. To access your form, you can login to Sporty.  
  2. Go to Online Registrations from your dashboard.
  3. Click on the Netball Folder and find the Netball Registration 2025.  
  4. Click on the pencil to edit your form.  You cannot change NNZ or NNH information but you can your own questions and put in your fees.
  5. Save your form
  6. Click on the little Link button to the right of the form to copy the link.  You can then paste this onto your school website and/or social media pages.  Or insert it into emails to interested parents.

You can reinvite your database from 2024 to reregister (use the little envelope icon to the right of the form) or instructions are here​​​​​​​

Team Registration

Team registration closes 4 April 2025

​​​​​​​Registration of your teams is through Team Builder in Sporty.  For instructions on this and how to register your players, please click here.  Schools can click on a number of players and drag a few into one team rather than doing this individually.

​​​​​​​When selecting the grades to put your teams in Team Builder, you will see them on the right of the Team Builder page.  Please make sure you select the right age group and location (ie Northcote, Westlake, or Hibiscus Coast).  

Under team name, you need to put down your school and the number of your team.  We use numbers for team - NO TEAM NAMES!   For example Belmont 4/1, Takapuna 6/1.  You do not need to write Primary.  Please do not use initials, eg BBS, as we have a number of schools with the same initials.

Please write your team numbers as follows, seeding as best as possible for Year 4 to Year 6  ... 3/1  (Year 3 Team 1), 6/1 (Year 6 Team 1) and so on.


Primary Competitions Offered

At Northcote

  • futureFERNS - Year 1 & 3 teams.  Monday afternoons.  12 week programme for Y1&2, 13 weeks for Year 3 at Northcote.  
  • Year 4 Primary - Monday afternoons.  14 week competition at Northcote.
  • Year 5 & 6 - Wednesdays afternoon.  14 week competition at Northcote.

Hibiscus Coast Teams (Edith Hopper Park)

  • Year 1/2 and Year 3 on Tuesday afternoons.  12 weeks for Year 1&2, and 13 weeks for Year 3.
  • Year 4 & 5 Thursday afternoons.  14 week competition
  • Year 6 Wednesday afternoons at Edith Hopper Park.  14 week competition.

Junior Netties (Westlake Girls High)

  • Year 4, 5 & 6 on Saturday mornings.  12 week competition.

For any Primary enquiries, please email Teresa

Important Dates

Friday, 4 April 2025

Friday, 17th April 2025​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Sunday, 27th April 2025

Registration closes for team entry

Time Requests forms must be in.  Further information down the page regarding time requests.

Players registered in their teams

Important Dates for Coaches/Managers:

Primary Information Evenings for Year 4, 5 & 6 - 7th & 9th April 2025

These meetings will be held via Zoom.  I will put up here the links and send these out nearer the times for coaches and managers to hook into.

Please urge your coaches/managers* to attend these.  Topics include rules at NNH, how we run the competitions, what they need to do and the all important rotations for Year 4 and 5.

Hibiscus Coast Coaches/Managers should also attend these Zoom meetings 

I will record one of the Zoom meetings for all to see if they cannot make it.

Informal Coaching Course Year 4 to Year 6 Coaches - 2nd April at 6.30 pm at Netball North Harbour - forms to register are located above on the right.​​​​​​​

Informal Coaching Course Hibiscus Coast for Year 4 to Year 6 coaches - 30th April at 6.30 pm at Edith Hopper Park, Manly 

A great session run by Michele Wallace on some basic skills for this age group.  Registrations will be required and there is a cost of $30.00 per person.  If you wish your school to be invoiced, please let us know on the form.

futureFERNS Coaching - 28th April at 6.30 pm at Barfoot & Thompson Centre

Coaches information evening.  A requirement that all coaches* helping a Year 1 to 3 team regardless of where they are playing, attend this.  Bookings will be required and the cost is $15.00 per person.  We can invoice schools.  You can group book parents by emailing Teresa with the names of the person and the age group they will be coaching.  Registration will be required and we will let  you know when that is open.

*if coaches/managers cannot attend, please send someone else along to find out the information.

Composition of Teams

The information below is for all teams no matter where you play.  


Team Size (maximum number recommended)



Year 1 & 2

​​​​​​​4 aside game (6 maximum)


NNH provides match ball.  School provides practise balls.  2.4m high hoops.  2.4 m portable hoop

No umpires required

Year 3 

5 aside game (7 maximum)


Schools to supply Size 4 balls for practise and game.  We do have bibs for teams to borrow. 2.6m high hoop.

No umpires required.

Year 4 & 5

7 aside game.  10 maximum.  Please keep these teams as close to 10 as possible, 8 or 9 is optimal because of the rotations

Yes - and important coaches know how to do them properly as there is a set rotation they need to follow.

Schools to supply Size 4 balls and bibs. 2.6m high hoop.

Umpires required.

Year 6

7 aside game.  10 maximum in the team.


Size 5 ball.  3.05m high hoop.

Umpires required.

NNH's philosophy for junior players is all about participation and learning the game, therefore, we have some rules regarding teams and players:

  • Please try and stick to the minimum numbers for teams, as there is a rule for every child to play at least half a game each week.  With too many players in a team, this becomes difficult for both team management and players alike (if there are too many players we recommend teams stand down a player each week, which isn't fun).
  • Every player at Primary over the course of the competition, ie 14 weeks, must have fair time on court.  That is, the strongest players are not allowed to play full games each week at the expense of the weaker players who only get half games.  This is monitored.
  • Boys - only a maximum of 3 boys are allowed on court at once.  You can have more registered in the team, but only 3 on court at once.  
  • Combination age teams - you can enter mixed age teams but only within a year of each other, ie Year 3/4, Year 4/5, Year 5/6.  You cannot have a Year 3 in a Year 5 team or a Year 4 in a Year 6 team for health and safety reasons.  Combination teams are entered in the grade of the higher age group, ie Year 5/6 goes into the Year 6 grade.
  • If you have a strong Year 3 team, they can enter the Year 4 grade and likewise if you have a beginner Year 4 team and you think they will be better off with the 5aside game, then you can put them in the Year 3 5aside version of the game, but please let Teresa know.
  • If you have low numbers, eg 15 players, put more players in the bottom team as the higher seeded team can borrow from the lower seeded teams but not the other way around.
  • Year 6 can borrow Year 5 players and Year 5 teams can borrow Year 4 players if they are short players on a night.  
  • If you have teams playing at both Northcote and Junior Netties, teams can borrow players from teams at those competitions as they are separate competitions.
  • If you have 2 bottom teams that are tight with players and the bottom team has no other team to borrow from (there is no team lower than them), you can ask for dispensation that those 2 bottom teams can use players from each other, eg the lowest team borrow from the team above them.  This needs approval and you will want to put in a time request that hose teams do not play at the same time.
  • You can add extra players to a team throughout the season, this is called Additional Players and there is a form (see above) that needs to be completed for those players to join a team.
  • If you have teams at Kidzplay and you want those players to fill in for teams at Netball North Harbour (which they can do) you will also need to complete an Additional Player Form for those players as they are not registered with Netball North Harbour.  Kidzplay is very separate.  Once registered they can help out the team whenever needed.
  • If your numbers are tight and don't stack up as far as ages and teams, please contact Teresa and I can help you work out where your team will best fit.  At the end of the day we want all players to participate at the level that is right for them and exemptions can be given for the odd player playing down, etc, BUT this has to be approved by Netball North Harbour.

Team Fees 

futureFERNS (Year 1, 2 & 3) at Northcote and at HBC = $480.00 per team 

Junior Netties Year 4 to 6 - $510.00 per team

Primary Year 4 to 6 at NNH and HBC = $680.00 per team 

Time Requests = $20.00 per request

Additional Players = $10.00

Late Default Fee = $50.00

All fees are inclusive of GST.

Time Requests

Time Requests are to be made by the Primary Coordinators ONLY.

Applications for time request can be made here on the local form completing the required areas .  Cost $20.00 per request. Please note these are for NNH netball clashes only and not anything outside of the sport (ie coach/player and umpire clashes within NNH competition).  Coaches who have to work late, etc, will not be accepted.

Time Requests to be in by Friday, 17th April 2025  (before Easter to allow the draw to be completed.  Any requests after that the draw will not be altered).


All teams need to supply their own umpires for Year 4 to Year 6 teams at all venues - Northcote, Westlake and Hibiscus Coast.  All umpire enquiries should be directed to Sharon Fraser

The cost for an umpire per game is $10.00 per game.

School Camps & Productions 

Please advise when you have teams that will not be able to play, ie school camps and productions, between May and August.

During grading games the teams will be left of the draw, and during the competition, teams will have a Bye.

Scoring games in 2025

As with the last few years, we will be using the Sporty Scoring App to score our games (apart from the Premier games with benches).  

All teams will need to have a person on the sideline to score the game.  Please click here to get the instructions on how to set up the scoring app if you have not used it before.  

Anyone scoring in 2024 will get a new code for your team in 2025. 

You can find your scoring code for a team when you register the team - it is in the top left corner in the box.  We will also send the codes out to Coordinators once team registration is closed.

Defaults & Cancellations

Teams/schools need to notify Teresa on the day by 12.00 pm if a team is defaulting.  This allows us to get the message through to the opposition.  I can accept a 1.00 pm default but if it is later, the school will be fined a $50.00 Late Deafult Fee.  

Notify Teresa via email (below) of any defaults.  Phone calls can work too but please back up in writing.  Preferrably from the School Coordinator but happy to get them from parents.  If a parent rings with a default I will let the school know.


We vey rarely cancel netball but if we do we will make the decision at 1.00 pm.  We will email all the schools and use the website and social media to distribute the message.  Please ask parents not ring NNH at 10.00 am in the morning if it is raining!! 

The most likey games to be cancelled would be Year 3 games as they are younger and outside.  The Year 1 & 2 players are inside.  On wet and cold days we are happy for our young players to put jackets and jerseys on as long as bibs can be seen.

Photos & Videos

As part of the registration process, when parents accept the terms and conditions of the registration form, NNH has the right to take photos of players which we use for promotional material, social media posts, etc, about tournaments, programmes or leagues.

In 2025 the Arena games will be filmed.  This will only affect Year 6 teams.  All Year 6 teams will have 1 to 3 games in the Arena over the season. The Year 1 & 2 teams will not be filmed.  This is a pay by view service, the same company that do basketball.  If parents, or grandparents, or coaches, wish to watch games, they have to pay separately to view the games.  More information will come out on how to do this.

If a school has any issue with any filming or photography of a child/ren, the onus is on the school to let us know.  Please contact Teresa below.

For all enquiries:

Primary School Coordinator - Teresa Smeed