This page is designed for College School Coordinators to assist with registration information for your school teams in 2025.
Registrations of your teams is through Team Builder in Sporty. For instructions on this and how to register your players, please click here: Netball North Harbour - Process (
If you do not have a login to Sporty, please contact Sporty at
All players need to register to play at NNH. Your 2025 forms are ready to go ... BEFORE SENDING YOUR FORM OUT TO PARENTS, make sure you are happy with it first.
You can reinvite your database from 2024 to reregister (use the little envelope icon to the right of the form) or instructions are here
Team registration closes Friday 4 April
Registration of your teams is through Team Builder in Sporty. For instructions on this and how to register your players, please click here. Team Builder has been made a little easier and it should be easier for you to click on a number of players and drag a few into one team rather than doing this individually.
1. Year 9 teams must be identified with the number "nine" first. eg 9/1, 9/2, 9/3 etc AND preceded by the College name or a shortened version of the school name.
2. For College teams on Saturday teams must be numbered in ability/strength order. eg 1, 2, 3 etc AND preceded by the College name or a shortened version of the school name.
It is IMPORTANT to ensure all teams are listed by number according to their ability. The strongest team is number 1 with the weakest the very last number. For Saturday teams, if your school keeps Year 10's and social players separate, you will need to have grading games at school to verify the strength of these teams within your school teams. Please do not lump them at the end of the senior compeitive teams. This throws the whole grading out of whack and with only 4 grading games we will have a hard time finding the correct grade. NNH reserves the right to change a team's number at the end of grading. This allows clear guidelines and tracking for substutions when players are away.
Under team name, you DO need to put your school name and the number of your team. For example Rangitoto 3, WGHS 20. You do not need to write "College" or "School" and it is ok to use initials for schools that use those regularly, eg Westlake GIrls = WGHS.
To see full details of the competition dates please open the document to the right and below.
For assistance please contact Bailee Cassidy for Year 9 or
Gail Griffiths for Year 10-13
20 February 2025
4 April 2025
17 April 2025
17 April 2025
6.30pm Co-ordinator Information evening by Zoom - link will be sent
The number of teams playing needs to be registered/finalised.
Deadline for Time Requests
Deadline for player allocations into teams
College Premier & College 1
Maximum of 12 Players
Indoor Courts
Self timed
School to supply Scorers
Umpires allocated by NNH
Game times Premier 9.00am and 10.00am
Game times College 1 8.00am and 11.00am
College 2 to 16
Maximum of 12 Players
Outdoor Courts
Automatically timed by Control Room
School to supply Scorers
Schools to allocate own personnel to umpire.
Game times 8.00, 8.50, 9.40, 10.30, 11.20am, 12.10pm.
Year 9
Maximum of 12 Players
Outdoor Courts
Automatically timed by Control Room
School to supply Scorers
Game times 4.50pm, 5:40pm, 6:30pm and 7:20pm (New Round Time)
Schools to allocate their own umpires to games.
Mixed Lads and Lasses Teams
Unlimited Players
Outdoor Courts
Automatically timed by Control Room
School to supply Scorers and Umpires
Game times 7.15pm, 8.00pm and 8.45pm
Schools to allocate their own umpires to games.
The cost and number of games is dictated by entering a 5 or 4 week block.
Unfortunately there were insufficient teams entered to create a competition in 2023 alongside the Y9's. We have instead decided to include them in the adult social competition on Wednesday nights. Whilst there is no need to list teams in the Sporty Programme you may like to do so to keep your records for all teams in one place.
Time Requests are to be made by the School Coordinator ONLY.
Applications for time request can be made here on the local form completing the required areas (the form will be availble soon). It costs $20.00 per request. Please note these are for NNH netball clashes only and not anything outside of our competition (ie coach/player and umpire clashes within NNH competition). As you can appreciate we cannot allow for other sports or curricular activites to be included as this causes too many clashes and we simply must be able to put a draw out in a timely manner.
Time Requests to in by Thursday 17 April.
College Premier = $1,060.00 per team.
College = $910.00
Time Requests = $20.00 per request
Additional Players = $10.00
Late Default Fee = $50
Please complete this form for a new player joining a team partway through the season. The player will also need to register with their school via the school list and be assigned to the team to appear on the scoring APP.
It is imperative for the grading system to work correctly that you seed your teams from strongest to weakest.
Please see the attached sheets for more information on how to ensure your teams start in the correct position on the ladder.
As with the last few years, we will be using the Sporty Scoring App to score our games.
All teams will need to have a person on the sideline to score the game. Please click here to get the instructions on how to set up the scoring app if you have not used it before.
Anyone scoring in 2024 will get a new code for your team in 2025.
You can find your scoring code for a team when you register the team - it is in the top left corner in the box. We will also send the codes out to Coordinators once team registration is closed.
Photos & Videos
In 2025 the Arena games will be filmed. This will only affect Premier teams and Senior 1. This is a pay by view service. If parents, or grandparents, or coaches, wish to watch games, they have to pay separately to view the games. More information will come out on how to do this.
If a school has any issue with any filming of a team, the onus is on the school to let us know to opt out. Please contact Gail if this is the case.
Social Media
Occasionally we have had the odd social media post pop up taken by students that have not been in the spirit of the game. If a school is notified or aware of any abuse in social media involving Netball North Harbour, please contact Lynette and we can take the necessary steps to inform any other schools involved and endeavour to get the post removed from social media.