REGISTRATION FOR BLOCK 2 NOW OPEN - MONDAY 10th MARCH - MONDAY 7TH APRIL 2025​​​​​​​

                                              We still have a spot available for 1x Mixed Team for Block 2 - Please email

2025 Dates​​​​​​​


Registration Close


Block 13rd February24th February27th January4 weeks
Block 210th March7th April4th March5 weeks
Block 328th April19th May22nd April4 weeks
Block 426th May23rd June19th May4 weeks
Block 514th July11th August7th July5 weeks
Block 625th August15th September19th August4 weeks
Block 713th October10th November7th October4 weeks
Block 817th November8th December18th November4 weeks

Monday evenings 6.15 pm to 9.30 pm.

Intermediate/College Inside 5a-side & Adult Tuesday League - same dates​​​​​​​



Registration Close Date

14th October18th November7th October6 weeks

Intermediate/College starts 4.15 pm  |  Adults Tuesday starts 6.15 pm to 6.30 pm


Inside 5-aside is a fun, social league played on Monday nights. Teams can enter as either Ladies teams or Mixed (men/ladies) teams. 

  • Blocks are 4 or 5 weeks long
  • Game times are 6.15pm | 7.00pm | 7.45pm | 8.30pm
  • This is an adult competition and is only available to players from Y9 onwards.
  • Games are 4 x 9 minute quarters.
  • Minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 10 players per team. 
  • Rolling subs - substitutions can be made at any time during the game without involving the umpire.
  • Umpires, bibs and balls will be supplied.
  • Mixed teams (males & females playing together) can have a maximum of two males on the court at one time but must play in different sections of the court. Every other grade is Ladies ONLY.

2025 Fees:

$340.00 (5 week block)

$280.00 (4 week block). 

Fees must be paid in full  at the time of registration.   At the time of registering your team for anyInside 5a-side block in 2025, teams will be required to pay the registration fee in full before the team can be accepted into the block.

If teams wish to pay on the night of the competition, payment is $15.00 per player per week, regardless of how many players are in the team.  Games will not start until all players have paid.


If a team has to default a game they must advise the Administrator before 9.00am on the day of the competition. 

Any defaults after 9.00 am on the day of the competition will incur a $50.00 default fee.

Please check out the Payment and Refund Policy.​​​​​​​

For all queries regarding Inside 5a-side, please contact Lesley at