2024 New Rule Changes

On 1st January 2024, World Netball made some changes to the netball rules that take effect from 2024 onwards.

Some noteable changes include but are not limited to:

  • Tactical team changes after a goal is scored
  • Remove of Toss Ups
  • Remove of Cautions in Game Management
  • Changes to the Short Pass Rule
  • New Hand Signalfor Playing teh ball

New Rules - PDF's

Below is a pdf document of the entire new 2024 World Netball Rule Book and a summary of the main changes.  Please note there are multiple minor rule changes within the rule book including (but not limited to) use of terminology by umpires, eg Causing Contact, Repossesion.

Note you can also download the 2024 Rule Book on your phone or other device.  Search Rules Of Netball​​​​​​​ in your App Store or Play Store.

Netball NZ has a limited printed copies of the 2024 Rules of Netball available.  To purchase go to Coaches & Officials – Netball New Zealand Shop (netballnz.co.nz)

New Rules ... Videos

Check out the videos which helps explain the rules with the hand signals.