We are excited to be bringing to the Warkworth area, a Year 1 to 4 programme at the Warkworth A&P Grounds on Tuesday afternoons.
This page contains information to help you put together your teams and enter them into the programme.
Tuesdays starting 6th May and finishing 5th August
No play School Holidays
futureFERNS is for Year 1 to Year 4 players. It is a modified game. It is played at the Warkworth A & P Grounds.
Parent Help is imperative in these games.
This is a 12 week programme and not a competitiion. Goals are not counted.
There are no umpires. The game is controlled by the coaches using their voices.
Year 1 & 2 play 4 v 4 across one third of a full sized netball court with modified hoops and smaller balls.
Year 1 & 2 have a 15 minute skill session followed by 2 x 8 minute halves.
Round times Tuesday afternoons at 4.00 pm, 4.40 pm (or 4.50 pm) and maybe a 5.20 pm ... depending on numbers entered.
Recommended maximum team size is 6 players - this allows for subs and absences.
If teams are short of players, they can borrow from their opposition.
Cost per team $400.00
This is a 12 week programme and is not a competition. Goals are not counted.
There are no umpires. The game is controlled by the coaches using their voices.
Year 3 & 4 play 5 v 5 - 1 Centre, 2 x Defenders and 2 x Attackers. They play on two thirds of a full sized netball court with modified hoops and Size 4 balls.
Year 3 & 4 play 4 x 8 minute quarters.
Year 3 & 4 skill session is their warm up for the game.
Round times on a Tuesday are possibly 4.50 or 5.30 pm (confirmed once team registrations are closed).
Recommended team size is 7 players.
If teams are short, they can borrow from their opposition
Cost per team is $430.00
REGISTRATION FOR futureFERNS IS THROUGH YOUR SCHOOLS, or if you school is not interested but you have a team keen, please contact Teresa Smeed at teresa@netballnorthharbour.co.nz. Or click here to take you to the Club/Schools Registration Form page on our website.