NNH Thursday Primary Spring League

NNH Primary Spring League Thursday Year 1/2 and Year 3


Future Ferns Year 1/2

Teams will play across the third of the court

10a, 11a, 12a is the third furthest from the NNH building

10b, 11b, 12b is the third closest to the NNH building

Start game from the back line of opposing team. When the goal is scored the opposing team throws in from the back line

Future Ferns Year 3 

Start game from the transverse line (middle of the court for their centre pass) When a team scores the opposing team that did not score takes the throw in from the centre line

  • Year 1 & 2 play the 4aside game
  • Year 3 play the 5aside game
  • Teams to supply their own balls and bibs - Size 4 balls for Year 1 to Year 4 and 2.6m high hoop. 
  • 8 minute quarters for all games.
  • Rolling subs are allowed.
  • No cancellations will be made unless extreme weather conditions