Intermediate Coordinator Information 2024

This page is designed for Intermediate School Coordinators to assist with registration information for your school teams and other season information you should know.

Registrations of your teams is through Team Builder in Sporty.  For instructions on this and how to register your players, please click here: Netball North Harbour - Process (

If you do not have a login to Sporty, please contact Sporty at​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Player Registration

All players need to register to play at NNH.  Your 2024 forms are ready to go ... BEFORE SENDING YOUR FORM OUT TO PARENTS, make sure you are happy with it first.

  1. To access your form, you can login to Sporty.  
  2. Go to Online Registrations from your dashboard.
  3. Click on the Netball Folder and find the Netball Registration 2024.  
  4. Click on the pencil to edit your form.  You cannot change NNZ or NNH information but you can your own questions and put in your fees.
  5. Save your form
  6. Click on the little Link button to the right of the form to copy the link.  You can then paste this onto your school website and/or social media pages.  Or insert it into emails to interested parents.

You can reinvite your database from 2023 to reregister (use the little envelope icon to the right of the form) or instructions are here

The registration form can also be found under the tab Registrations > Club & School List

Please make sure if using this to click the correct form from the correct column 


Team Registration

Team registration closes Thursday 4 April - Number of teams

​​​​​​​Registration of your teams is through Team Builder in Sporty.  For instructions on this and how to register your players, please click here.  This has changed a little from 2023, mostly the colour.  Team Builder has been made a little easier and it should be easier for you to click on a number of players and drag a few into one team rather than doing this individually.

When Registering your teams....

Reminder to write the number of the team only, ie 7/1 or 8/1. You do not need to write the school name before the team number as Sporty auto generates the school name. We only require the team number.


We use the "MyNetballManager" app to score all our games. This is available on both the app store and google play for apple and android users.

Teams will be required to use a code that can be given by the coordinator or, if on the day, can retrieve from the control room.

Please ensure there are a few people in the team who have this code so scoring can be completed. This means if someone is away, another volunteer can help out. Scoring process is the same as using a paper scorecard but phones are now used instead. If your phone is not working then please stand with opposition scoring (as per normal process) and use one phone together.

Any questions on the night please report to the control room. More information will be mentioned to coaches and managers on the admin zoom on Tuesday 9 April.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Hibiscus Coast Intermediate League

NNH is trying to reinstate Intermediate netball at Edith Hopper Park, Manly for those schools up the Coast.

Details are:

  • Wednesday nights immediately following Year 6 netball
  • Rounds 5.40 pm and 6.30 pm 
  • Cost - the same as teams at NNH $820 per team.
  • Dates - starts 15th May to 28th August (14 weeks).  No play school holidays.

For assistance please contact:

Bailee Cassidy


Round Times:

4pm, 4:50pm, 5:40pm, 6:30pm

40min games

4x 10min quarter

2min breaks (quarters and half)

All games will play off Central Timer

​​​​​​​7 aside game (12 maximum in team)

BOYS - Can play

           - No 2 boys in the circle. Must be paired with               female player

Games played on a full size court with 3.05m hoop

Size 5 ball and same colour bibs

School to supply own balls, bibs and umpire

If team is using throw over bibs - All players must have throw over bibs

Composition of Teams

Year 7 Competition

Year 7 teams to be made of Year 7 aged players

Year 8 Competition

Year 8 teams to be made up of Year 8 aged players

​​​​​​​Mixed Year 7/8 teams

Mixed aged teams must be entered in the Year 8 competition

Intermediate Competition Dates

Year 7 Tuesday Nights

Grading (5 Weeks)
7th May to 4th June
(Save-a-day 11th June)

Competition (7 Weeks)
18th June to 13th August
(Save-a-day 20th August)

Tuesday ​​​​​​​20th August

Year 8 ​​​​​​​Thursday Nights

Grading (5 Weeks)
9th May to 6th June
(Save-a-day 13th June)

Competition (7 Weeks)
20th June to 15th August
​​​​​​​(Save-a-day 22th August)

​​​​​​​Thursday 22th August

Key Dates

Tuesday 20 February 

Thursday 4 April

Thursday 12 April

Tuesday 9 April

Friday 5 May

Tuesday 17 September

School Coordinators Meeting via Zoom at 7pm

Team Regist rations Close - # of teams entered

Team Allocations to be completed - Players/Coaches

Coaches/Managers Information Evening via Zoom at 6pm

Time Requests Close

Year 7 Prizegiving 4:30pm

​​​​​​​Year 8 Prizegiving 6pm

Please see above the updated 2024 Intermediate Dates as of 9/4/24

School Duty Roster

Tournament Dates

Saturday 27 April

​​​​​​​Sunday 7 July

Friday 26 July

Wednesday 31 July

Monday 5 Aug


Preseason Tournament

Midseason Tournament

NNH Intermediate 2+ Tournament 

GIRLS - Intermediate Zone Day 

BOYS - Intermediate Zone Day

Registrations Open...

Saturday 16 March

Friday 31 May

Wednesday 14 June

In school organisation

Time Requests

Time Requests to be made by the School Coordinator ONLY.

Click the link (Right hand side) to fill the local form and complete the required areas.

It costs $20.00 per request. Time Requests are for NNH netball clashes only ie one coach is taking 2 teams and needs different times.

Requests outside of netball will not be approved.

Time Requests to be in by Friday 17 May


  • Intermediate  = $820.00 per team.
  • Time Requests = $20.00 per request

Subject to approval by Games Administrator. Teams will not be charged if not approved

  • Additional Players = $10.00

​​​​​​​Payment can be made at the Control Room or through your school. Form to be filled at the Control Room.

  • Late Default Fee = $50.00

Contact Games Administrator by 1pm (day of) for defaults otherwise charge will occur

Additional Players​​​​​​​

There may come a point a new player is added partway through the season. If so, please fill the form on the right hand side. 

The player will also need to register with their school via the school list and be assigned to the team to appear on the scoring APP.

If filling a form on the day of play - please report to the control room


All teams need to supply their own umpires.  If you wish your team to be included in the programme for us to allocate one for your team, please contact Sharon Fraser on   All umpire enquiries should be directed to Sharon.

The cost for an umpire per game is $10.00 per game - This will need to be paid in cash directly to the umpire.

There are new rules to be implemented - Please remind coaches to become familiar with these